

The commissioning of a RADIANT FLOOR SOLUTIONS system would normally be carried out once the heating plant is operational.

In general as with any other form of heating, care needs to be exercised in the initial heating of a new building to minimise any damage as a consequence.

Heat should not be applied to the standard concrete floor screed for a period of 28 days after laying to ensure that the floor has reached sufficient strength to resist cracking and curling. In most instances there would be a much longer interval before commissioning which should ideally take place after all floor finishes have been laid.

Dependent on the form of controls in use, which should be fully tested and operational, the heating should be set to raise the building temperature slowly until design conditions are achieved. The exact rate at which this can be carried out will depend on the rate at which moisture present within the building can be vitiated to outside and during the initial phase good ventilation is essential. Other conditions such as external temperature and degree of building closure will have an effect on the period of time required.

As an approximate guide the system should be set to circulate water at 25°C for the first 24 hours and thereafter increased at the rate of 5°C per day until the internal design temperature is achieved.

In the spring and summer the design will be reached much quicker than in winter which takes into account the different building requirements.

It is important that during the initial heating phase the plant is allowed to operate 24 hours per day. When the design conditions have been met the controls can be set to the required settings.

For special floors such as polymer and epoxy-resins the above times can be shortened and we can advise on these if required.

Underfloor heating systems tend to have longer pre-heat times than other forms of heating but equally can be switched off much earlier and this should be reflected in any clock settings. During normal off periods night set back is much more efficient and a set back of 8°C would be the normal setting. In a modern well insulated building the temperature decays at a much slower rate and as such the energy applied during the night set back period is often less than full re-heat from a cold condition.

In either case frost protection is required particularly for buildings unoccupied in winter.

Specific settings required will depend on the precise type of controls which can include weather compensation, optimisation both on and off or full energy management. We or our installers can advise on specific application if required.


RADIANT FLOOR SOLUTIONS systems require no normal maintenance apart from a visual inspection of the manifolds and valves.

The pipework is designed to last the lifetime of the building in normal use and requires no special attention. The following information covers general points which might arise.

Freezing: If a building is to be left unoccupied for any length of time particularly in winter then the heating system should be left set for frost protection.

If this is not possible then the heating system and coils should be drained and manifold valves left fully open.

In the case of external systems such as de-icing the system should be fitted with the correct concentration of anti-freeze which should be checked annually.

Manifolds: The RADIANT FLOOR SOLUTIONS pipe will not corrode in use, neither will scale deposits attach themselves to the pipe wall.The normal components of the rest of the heating system can however suffer both scale and corrosion. For this reason we would recommend the use of a proprietary corrosion inhibitor to protect the whole system. Dependent on the materials used in the rest of the system which can include steel, aluminium, copper, brass etc the correct inhibitor should be selected and checked periodically as recommended by the manufacturers.

Manifolds: The RADIANT FLOOR SOLUTIONS manifolds are of extremely high quality and should give many years of trouble free service. The manifold and valves should be periodically checked visually and any faulty valve glands or connections repaired. Replacement manifolds can be supplied and fitted by our installers when required.

Damaged pipes: Should a pipe be damaged in any way then the circuit should be immediately isolated at the manifold using the vales provided. The rest of the system can be allowed to operate normally and the loss of a coil will not have any significant effect on the rest of the system. When convenient the pipe should be exposed and repaired using a RADIANT FLOOR SOLUTIONS coupling which can be supplied by us or our installers. If required our installers can carry this work out for you.

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