Radiant Floor Solutions Heating Design

Radiant Floor Solutions Heating Design

Radiant Floor Solutions carry out a full design service for Underfloor heating from preliminary outline proposals through to fully detailed coil design drawings. Full consideration is given to the type of building and usage together with the various types of floor finish which can include Carpet, Vinyl, Timber, Stone, Marble etc.

Underfloor heating has a very high radiant heating component and this means that comfort conditions will be achieved at a lower ambient temperature than other types of heating such as convective. As described in the CIBSE guide this lower mean radiant temperature can be used for heat loss calculations when installing RADIANT FLOOR SOLUTIONS underfloor heating enabling a 10-15% reduction in energy requirements.

Since underfloor heating Provides a comfortable temperature at floor level where it is most needed the building height has less effect on the design and no allowance need be made for stack effect in high buildings such as Atria. This reduces the high ceiling and roof temperatures associated with convective systems and further increases the savings in energy costs.

The chart below gives typical surface emissions for different mean water temperatures given a bare screed or concrete floor. RADIANT FLOOR SOLUTIONS undertake the complete design taking into account variables such as floor finish etc and can design the coil layout to take into account areas of high glazing and external walls to provide an overall level of comfort.

Floor Emission Chart The chart opposite shows typical surface emission against different mean water temperatures. The emission figures are based upon a room temperature 20°c. No allowance has been made for floor finishes and the final emission will depend on the overall added amount of resistance. In general natural stone materials such as ceramic tiles and marble have a lower resistance than carpet or timber.

Legend MWT = Flow + Return 2

A normal temperature drop of 10°c can be taken for most standard types of system.

W/M² = Watts per sq metre Surface emission

For a modern well insulated building average emissions will normally lie in the range 60-80W/M²

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